Verizon Communications comes in the help of people in need with his program which was launched in 2012 and at which thousands of people contributed. How is the program developing? Well, we should say it is destined to people without financial possibilities, homeless and those who are victims of domestic violence and need a source of communications. For this, the company asks its customers and not only to bring their old cell phones, which they don’t need or use anymore and donate them to the people which don’t afford. The name of it is HopeLine. 

15.000 devices donated!

From 2012, when the campaign first begun until now, more than 15.000 devices were donated, 4.600 only in the last three months of this 2014 year. “It’s a great time for our customers to donate the devices they no longer use to the HopeLine program”, said Verizon retail district manager Tariq Muhammad, in the attempt of encouraging and thanking in the same time to the people which contribute at a piece of happiness of the others. 

"HopeLine works with separate companies"

The board of the company speaks more about their developing program and explain a bit about what do they have to do to help others: “Each of our Verizon Wireless locations has a box where customers can come in and put their devices that they no longer use. HopeLine works with separate companies to refurbish the phones and make sure they are in working condition”. The officials are sure that for people escaping from hard situations, a cleaned out of information cell phone may represent a new beginning.
