T-Mobile spent a lot of money to get customers and now they want some back it looks. Or at least this seems to be the idea of one of their new programs through which they look like trying to convince people to switch from prepaid plans to postpaid ones. Which are, of course, more expensive. In fact, in our opinion, the main advantage of a postpaid plan is that you can get a smartphone cheaper. But the expenses you lose during time might make you think that prepaid is better.

They claim bad credit

Still, T-Mobile tries to convince people apparently that most prepaid customers are on the prepaid plans because of bad credit. So, starting this week, the German based company introduced “Smartphone Equality” program which can automatically qualify anyone for the expensive phone payment plans. Those which come with the equally expensive postpaid plans… Don’t know for sure if this is a good way to try and switch customers because it might look like some kind of offence for those who prefer prepaid plans. Still, all remains your decision and T-Mobile can’t force no one to switch from prepaid to postpaid, this is for sure!

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