The trend of more high speed data is practiced by more and more cell phone operators from the United States of America territory. It is now the case of Ultra Mobile, another T-Mobile MVNO. Even though their promotion isn’t wonderful when it comes to Internet they are well known for the excellent international talk prices which they operate. 

The adds are diferent from one plan to another

So, to be more specific, let us inform directly about the plan changes and all the plans which Ultra Mobile has right now. First, we will mention, for not to repeat every time, they all include unlimited nationwide text and talk. Which is obvious considering the last trends in cell phone industry… So, here we go: first we have the 19 dollars plan which includes 100 MB of high speed data and 1.25 dollars credit for which you can call anywhere in the world. After, we have the 29 dollars plan for which you get 1 GB of high speed Internet, double than initial and also 2.50 dollars credit to call everywhere you want.

If you pay 39 dollars you get extra 250 MB of high speed data in addition to the initial half GB and also unlimited low speed Internet. Also, the Call Anywhere Credit grew from 5 to 6.25 dollars. For 49 dollars you get the same 1 GB of high speed data, unlimited low speed Internet and also 2.50 additional dollars at the initial 10 for calling where you want from all World. Last but not least, you can have 2.5 GB of high speed data, unlimited throttled data and a 5 dollars credit to call abroad. 
