After several other ideas, Apple looks like aiming to launch a search engine, something similar to Google. We gave this example, because Google is the most popular and efficient from the world when it comes about this type of service. So, Apple wants to compete with this giant even though 64 percent of those who browse out the Internet are using Google as a default search engine. After, of course, it comes Yahoo and so on. In this case, Apple’s chances looks minimum, but still, they look like want to give a try. 

Mistakes in the past

Some say that the idea of Apple is somewhere similar to a potential idea of Google to try and deliver devices similar to the iPhone producer. Of course, this is quite suggestive. Also we can take in consideration a former example Apple wrong decision when the replaced Google Maps with their own system with the occasion of launching iOS 6, which have proved to be a mistake. Still, even though they will go through with their plan, Google can’t be threaten very much, considering that only 11.7 percent of smartphone users have iPhones and so iOS and only 7.11 percent use OS X for their devices. 
